Friday, February 22, 2013

It's not hard to find me

Instagram: @1BrownieBabie

Google: BrownieBabie

Living Like we're Invincible

Daily we spend our time knowingly living beyond our means.
Daily we waste our time consumed with other peoples' lives.
Daily we are in competition with others while we should
be getting to know who we are and what are true paths are.
Soon we will be suffering financial woes & trying to connect
the dots of where we overspent our welcome?...
Soon we won't be young anymore & wonder where the time has gone,
meanwhile those same people that we worried so much about will be long gone.
Soon we will face our judgment day & not have a lot to say about what we
learned because we missed the lesson.

Soon we will realize that the message is right in our face whatever it is, keep your eyes and ears open
you are not immortal & no one is above anyone no matter what their social or financial status is.
We are all human striving for better or for worse. This is your life. Stop saying yolo, because it will catch up to you someday if you don't know. YOU ARE NOT, I AM NOT, WE ARE NOT INVINCIBLE!
-Brownie Babie

Brownie Babie Covers Stacy Barthe-The Only One

Brownie Babie Covers JoJo-Houstatlantavegas Remix

2013 Update

Since I've been gone.....

1.I was gifted a beautiful babygirl, Her name is Joliuana Loryn born on April 13,2012

2.I've been secretly working on my first mixtape &Introduction LP

This is my beautiful wild butterfly Joli :)